
Friday, August 11, 2017

My Choir Rehearsal

Hi bloggers! Yesterday the choir and I went to Glen Eden Intermediate to rehearse for the show on November, even though it is far away we have to because some of the songs are hard like Time To Say Good-Bye. When we got there their hall was huge! They did some songs while they were waiting for the schools to come and get ready to sing. When all the schools were here we started singing with Mr Lambert, Mrs Mc Garth and Miss Ward played the piano. When we sang Mist On The River with violins which was really cool and two little kids played the violins now that was cool. After sing we had a 10 minute break to eat, go to the toilet and have a drink of water. Soon we had to go into the hall and go back to singing. We did a two hours of singing then we went back to school and had to do take won doe, after that we went to get our bags then go to the hall because we only had 18 more minutes till the rings to go home. So we got our bags and went to the hall. We sang two of our choir songs then suddenly the bell rang and we went home.

Blog you later!-Skye😄        

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