
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The NED Show!

Hey bloggers!!! A few weeks ago we had a NED show that was about how to be a champion. N stands for never give up, E stands for encourage others and D stands for Do your best. It was really awesome because the person hosting was doing some of the action by doing tricks with a yo-yo. It was really cool! Lots of people went Ooh! It was free because the school that went before us payed for us by buying the yo-yo's that they were selling. I bought a yo-yo called a 'boomerang' It is one that can come up automatically. I love my yo-yo, but the negative thing about it is that it is really frustrating is that I can not do the tricks well like 'Rock the cradle'.  Did you have the NED show come it your school? If you did please tell about it and what yo-yo you got by commenting! Here are some pictures of the day, hope you enjoy!
Blog you later-Skye



  1. Hi Skye my name is Torian and I am in Manukau. What I liked about the Ned show is that he had lots of yoyo's and he showed us lots of moves too. And maybe next time you could add more photo's and if you want to see my blog go to

  2. Hope you are getting the hang of those YoYo tricks.


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