Hey bloggers!!! A few weeks ago we had a NED show that was about how to be a champion. N stands for never give up, E stands for encourage others and D stands for Do your best. It was really awesome because the person hosting was doing some of the action by doing tricks with a yo-yo. It was really cool! Lots of people went Ooh! It was free because the school that went before us payed for us by buying the yo-yo's that they were selling. I bought a yo-yo called a 'boomerang' It is one that can come up automatically. I love my yo-yo, but the negative thing about it is that it is really frustrating is that I can not do the tricks well like 'Rock the cradle'. Did you have the NED show come it your school? If you did please tell about it and what yo-yo you got by commenting! Here are some pictures of the day, hope you enjoy!
Blog you later-Skye