Hey Bloggers! last week were doing the Summer Learning Journey with Megan. We are doing the last year one because they haven't put on the challenges. Some people were starting before the start date. We had to choose a place that was listed on the doc. I choose England because it is near Scotland and I like Scotland because that's were I got my name from. England, birthplace of the famous Shakespeare and The Beatles. The capital is London and is on the River Thames. It is home of Parliament, Big Ben and the 11th century Tower of London. The Kingdom of England was a sovereign state on the island of Great Britain from the 10th century. One of the challenges in the activity was to blog about it so I am blogging about it now. Have you ever done the Summer Learning Journey please tell me in the comments below, thanks! Here is a picture and a link!
Blog you later and have a Merry Christmas!-Skye
Friday, December 7, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Athletics Day Of 2018!
Aloha Bloggers! On Friday the 2nd of November it was Athletics Day! Athletics Day is a day when we have sports like long jump, high jump, sprints, 400 meter run and shot-put! Long jump is when we have a long pit of sand and there is a limit to where you jump off from. I came first because I jumped 3 meters and 5 cm. I love long jump because it easy to do! High jump is when there is a pole you have to jump over and then you should fall or land on a big mattress. I like high jump but I'm not that good at it. I came 3rd for the first time in forever and I got up to 1.11 meters! Sprints was also fun because I felt so free when I started to run. For the first round I was 1st! Second round I came second because my friend Amaya is so fast! 3rd round I came second again but I had fun! The 400 meters are when we run 400 meters in our age group like I had to run against 11 years old girls. I came 1st for it. It was really fun running the track and it was easy. There was two extras that were called fun run and fun throw. For the fun run only two people got do the fun run because we didn't have time to do everyone which was sad because we were timed. For the Fun throw we only got to throw a softball because we didn't have enough time. Have you ever done Athletics Day? If did please comment below. Hoped you like this post!
There are also some pics enjoy!
Blog you later-Skye

There are also some pics enjoy!
Blog you later-Skye

Wednesday, August 29, 2018
The NED Show!
Hey bloggers!!! A few weeks ago we had a NED show that was about how to be a champion. N stands for never give up, E stands for encourage others and D stands for Do your best. It was really awesome because the person hosting was doing some of the action by doing tricks with a yo-yo. It was really cool! Lots of people went Ooh! It was free because the school that went before us payed for us by buying the yo-yo's that they were selling. I bought a yo-yo called a 'boomerang' It is one that can come up automatically. I love my yo-yo, but the negative thing about it is that it is really frustrating is that I can not do the tricks well like 'Rock the cradle'. Did you have the NED show come it your school? If you did please tell about it and what yo-yo you got by commenting! Here are some pictures of the day, hope you enjoy!
Blog you later-Skye
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Hey bloggers!! Today I was finishing off the Interland slide and we had to post about it. It is a game about how to be internet awesome. I really love the game because it is fun how it teach's you how to be a better person on electronic gadgets and how to keep some stuff safe. It may sound boring but it's really fun! We had to make a slide about each four games and what it teach's you. Part of the slide was easy but when I got to Reality River it was hard to describe it because it's a sort of short game. Maybe you would like to play because it's a really a great game, if you did tell me how it was by commenting! Here is the slide I made, hope you like it!
Blog you later-Skye
Hi guys!! For the past 3 weeks we have been doing 3 different kinds of technology. The second one was that you had to make a led light light up. It was hard but fun, the part I liked the best was when we were planning because I could think of a lot of ideas for it. The things we could use were, a pieces of tin foll, 2 pins, 1 piece of cardboard and 5 paper clips. It was a challenge for all of us because lots of people got frustrated. Here is a picture of what we made! Hope you like them, also please comment!
Blog you later!-Skye
Blog you later!-Skye
Cross County
Hey Bloggers! Week 2 was cross county and it was great! I love running but sometimes I hate running because when it's a huge run it's really tiring. The year 6's had to lead the games or help and encourage the younger ones to run. I was one of the people that had to help the little ones. Finally it was the year 6's turn to run. It was frighting but fun, it was about 2 Km and I came 2nd! My friend Amaya came 1st and I was happy for her. It was a great day, if you would like to see my friend's blog, click her name. Here are some pictures of the day, hope you like them and if you do please comment!
Blog you later!-Skye
Me and friend!
Getting ready!
Friday, June 15, 2018
Tiritiri Matangi
Bloggers hello! Last week Tiritiri Matangi is where we went. Tiritiri is a sanctuary for endemic animals like, takahe and tuatara. We first went on a bus for 15-20 minutes and then on a ferry
for 70 minutes.
We saw a lot of birds like the NZ wood pigeon, it was really big and fat. It took a long time
for us to get to the top at the light house but we made it. It was tiring walking up.
When we got up to the top we had lunch then a scavenger hunt was what we had. After the
scavenger hunt we asked questions about the island and animals.
We walked down to the hill to the beach and explored till the ferry arrived. When we got in
the ferry I was sad because I really like that island.
I learned that there is 1% of takahe left in New Zealand and that some of the NZ wood pigeons
are too fat to fly that is why they don't move so much.
I hope one day you will see the wonders of Tiritiri Matangi.
If you want to see the website click link: Tiritiri Matangi .
Anyway Here are some pictures of the day!
Blog ya later-Skye!
This is the Wood Pigeon
and on the bottom of it is the Black Robin.
This is the Takahe!
for 70 minutes.
We saw a lot of birds like the NZ wood pigeon, it was really big and fat. It took a long time
for us to get to the top at the light house but we made it. It was tiring walking up.
When we got up to the top we had lunch then a scavenger hunt was what we had. After the
scavenger hunt we asked questions about the island and animals.
We walked down to the hill to the beach and explored till the ferry arrived. When we got in
the ferry I was sad because I really like that island.
I learned that there is 1% of takahe left in New Zealand and that some of the NZ wood pigeons
are too fat to fly that is why they don't move so much.
I hope one day you will see the wonders of Tiritiri Matangi.
If you want to see the website click link: Tiritiri Matangi .
Anyway Here are some pictures of the day!
Blog ya later-Skye!
This is the Wood Pigeon
and on the bottom of it is the Black Robin.
This is the Takahe!
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Visual Art
Hey bloggers!! For the past week we have been doing visual art on endemic animals.
- We had to choose one animal, I chose Hector's dolphin.
- We had to paint a piece of paper white.
- We had to get a picture of our animal we chose and draw an outline of it in a google drawing or doc.
- My teacher printed them off then we had to scribble an outline of it.
- Then we had to press the printed picture on the painted page and on the other side of the scribble we used a pen to make an outline. When I pulled off the printed paper there was an outline on the painted page! (Some of it wasn't there.😋)
- We started to draw the geometric shapes inside the shape the animal we chose.
- After that we started to paint the picture.
- Next we painted another layer of paint for the background. I had to do white because I had black paint on my dolphin.
- I did the finishing touches and then I was done!
The part I liked about it was when we started to colour it in.
If I could change the colour I would colour it sky blue, dark blue, pink and purple.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Hey bloggers! This week we have been reading about ANZAC day. My class have read two books called Lest We Forget and My granddad March's on ANZAC day. For people who don't know about ANZAC day it is about the soldiers that died in world war 1 & 2. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Amy Corps. There are dawn parades at 6:00 AM, some places have noon parades because some people sleep in. After the second book we did a compare and contrast project on the two books that we read. We had to write the differences and the same things. It was easy to see the same things because they were both about ANZAC day. If you don't want to miss it next year it is on the 25th of April! Here is a picture of my work! ↓
Blog you later!-Skye
Blog you later!-Skye
Friday, April 13, 2018
My Animal Kingdom
Hey Bloggers! This week have been doing a project on the animal kingdom. We had to do a slide show about the groups in the animal kingdom. The groups in the animal kingdom are fish, amphibians, crustaceans, birds, mammals, insects, reptiles and arachnids. We had to search for information and put it in the slide. There were 10 slides to finish. The animal kingdom is split into two groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. The slide took a lot of time but I finished it. I found out a lot of information by going onto slide, it was fun while it lasted. My favourite slide was was the birds because they have hollow bones on their wings to fly how cool is that?!
Blog you later-Skye
Blog you later-Skye
The Amazing Race
Hey Guys!!! I back with some new news! Last week we had THE AMAZING RACE! We got into a group of four, my group had Amaya, Manea, Conrad and I. I think we were a great team because we got all 21 clues, when you find the letter there will be a word next to the letter. When we got all 21 clues it was still not over because we had to make two sentences to win. MY GROUP CAME FIRST! The two sentence said 1. Go for gold New Zealand! 2. How many gold medals do you like we'll get at the Gold Coast Common wealth games this year? It was almost a tie but we won by three seconds! It was an AMAZING RACE! It took a lot of teamwork, thinking and running. It was fun working all together. Maybe you will have an AMAZING RACE! Hope New Zealand does get gold medals! Please comment if you liked this post.
Blog you later!-Skye✌

Friday, April 6, 2018
My Easter Holiday
Hey bloggers! One the five day weekend I learned some things over the weekend. Today I will tell you some of them, here they are.
1. Don't save your chocolate of the night because you will go have energy to stay awake at night. 2. I learnt that you should never eat too much chocolate or you will start getting sick.
3. I learnt that don't read when you eat or walk.
4. I learnt that I can't live without books.
5. I learnt that I should never try to juggle Easter eggs.
My favourite thing was that I got a lot books that I like. Please comment if you liked this post or comment to tell me about what you did on the Easter holiday. Please comment positive stuff.
Blog you later!-Skye
Friday, March 23, 2018
Swimming Sports of 2018!

Hi Bloggers! Last week we had swimming sports and we had an awesome time at Cameron pools. All the pressure was on the swimmers, my group was the first for free-style. After 24 races for free-style, it was my groups again for back-stroke and that wasn't all. There was house group races, I was surprised that I was in it. Our house group came 2nd that was amazing. Then there was some year 6's, some year 5's and some teachers were all racing each other. I was pick again to race them in free-style. The year 6's came 2nd what an awesome event that was. I was proud of myself that I came first and second in swimming. But the teachers won. We walked back to school tired and weary from swimming. My friend Amaya and Shiya said well done and good job! Wow! That was the best day ever!
Here are two pictures of the day. I'm in the first picture can you guess where I am? If you liked this post please comment.
Blog you later!-Skye✌
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Cybersmart Time!
Hi bloggers! This week we are working on using descriptive language by sharing our writing straight onto our blog. The challenge we have is to describe a place using only six sentences. After reading the description you need to guess the place that has been described. It would really help if you say what clues helped you come to this conclusion.
1. Life sprouts everywhere.
2. Water wonder in every sight
3. Wonderful creatures outside
4. Tall volcano
5. Lots of people playing
6. Secret places
Can you guess it???
Please guess on the comment part. I hope you get it right, good luck!
Blog you later-Skye
Skye's Personal Response
HI BLOGGERS!! I love reading, don't you? This week my reading group have been reading about a book called In Sync. It was an interesting book because it was about two twins called Emily and Laura do a sport called trampolining. It looked like dangerous sport because you do flips, somersaults, and a move called The Crash Dive. The book said it go's all year round. Sometimes they get fed up with it but it's mostly fun for them. They do it two times a week they want to do more but they can't, because the gym has different things to do in it. Sometimes syncing is hard but you will get used it if you try it. Sometimes me and my friend Shiya nod to each other and we do it at the same time it's really fun. We usually like doing it because it's fun and we understand each other and we know what's we mean. Here is a picture of the book and the page.
Blog you later!-Skye
Friday, February 23, 2018
Welcome Back To 2018!!!
Welcome back bloggers! It is finally 2018, I am really exited this year. This year we did a DLO (Digital Learning Object) for cybersmart. Today we are doing it on keeping your password a secret, on a google drawing and we put on a video. When I said "we" I mean my friends Abby and Shabeera. The video toke a lot of tries to get it right but we finally got it right. It was fun doing it because some of them were funny. We are finally at the the last part of the project. I really had fun doing the video and making the poster, but sadly we have to finish this or we will get in trouble that we didn't finish. Here is a picture of the poster. If you want to see my friends blogs go to their names and click they name to see the link
Here is the short video.
Hope you liked it, please comment to tell me how it was and what we could do better on.
Blog you later-Skye
Here is the short video.
Blog you later-Skye
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